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Construction industry
KUTRICrete SP103 / High range water reducing/ superplasticizing admixture for transport concrete
For more information see the documents:
Description and scope
KUTRICrete SP103 is a new generation superplasticizer based on PCE polymers. The specially designed molecular structure of this product, based on years of experience and the latest research results, enables a wide field of application in modern concrete production.
The properties of this product are especially suited for use in the production of transport concrete with the need for long maintenance of consistency, workability and workability with rapid development of strength. The application of this superplasticizer allows for high water reductions and accelerates cement hydration.
Due to the rapid adhesion of the molecules to the cement particles, combined with the effective scattering effect, the increased cement grain surface is exposed to the reaction with water.
As a result of this effect, it is possible to achieve early development of hydration heat, rapid development of hydration products, and thus increased early strength.
KUTRICrete SP103 is suitable for the production of transport concrete, liquid consistency, reoplastic concrete, with no segregation occurrence and low water-cement factor, with long maintenance of workability and workability and rapid development of initial and final strength.
KUTRICrete SP103 can be used in combination with other chemical and mineral additives to achieve specific properties as required by the project. Particularly good results in combination with fly ash. For combination with other chemical and mineral additives, please consult our technical service.
The use of KUTRICrete SP103 is recommended at ambient temperatures above 5°C.
Under normal conditions, an amount of 0.2 – 1.0 kg per 100 kg of binder is recommended.
In special cases, other quantities may be recommended according to the specific conditions at the installation site. In this case, please consult our technical service.
KUTRICrete SP103 is a liquid additive intended to be added to concrete during the mixing process of ingredients. Best results are obtained when the additive is added after all other components are already in the mixer and after at least 70% of the total amount of water has been added. The amount of water required in the mixture is adjusted to the desired consistency or workability.
Packing and storage
KUTRICrete SP103 can be purchased in 50 kg bins, 200 kg barrels, 1100 kg IBC containers or in larger quantities to order.
KUTRICrete SP103 must be stored in a place where the temperature is not lower than 5°C. In the event of product freezing, increase the product temperature to 30°C and mix again.